Wednesday, November 23, 2011

"Tulp Soldaat" (Tulip Soldier)

"Tulp Soldaat" (Tulip Soldier)

A mini graphic novel/comic/what have you, set in Holland during WWII. I'm more of an illustrator, not a comic artist so I wanted to make a comic without it looking too much like a ... comic? (and also prove illustrators can do anything a comic artist can do, haha~)

I did not include dialogue or an exact sense of time passing... I just wanted a sense of mood and atmosphere to come from pictures alone.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Process Work - "Tulp Soldaat"

Some thumbnails, and my resolved sketches for my mini graphic novel "Tulp Soldaat" (Tulip Soldier in Dutch).

My thumbnails (which I usually don't even bother showing) are hilariously messy and hard to read, but these are actually really legible compared to others.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Venetian Stripes

My finished designs for the food package. I'm pretty proud of how the text and image came about. It has a slight modern italian flair which I like (sometimes italian imagery tends to be more rustic or old looking). I like that the graphic stripes stand out, but the illustration still has a detailed drawing aesthetic when looked up close.