Between finals and 10 pages research papers, I'm managing to have fun drawing what I want. I'm having fun with this little guy... he needs a good name now. A bit more of character is starting to develop.
Character Card and Artifact Card (if you want to think in "Magic the Gathering" terms). Inspiration for the theme came from a song titled "Boy Lilikoi" by Jonsi, and this is what I have come up with. The boy is a type of youthful, wild character similar to Peter Pan ... his design I based off of a moth and the lilikoi fruit. Some of my favorite colors lately have been yellow and orange, so this was a very relaxing project.
Shim the mechanic. I made this character basing him on current day Mongolians (the skin, eyes, and hair color) I had a lot of fun making this guy and figuring out what colors and details would make him. He lives in a mountain-ous and desert like world similar to Mongolia as well.
This little guy came out of my imagination one day while I should of been doing homework for my actual art classes. He is a dinosaur and tree mixture. I am making more variations on this idea currently. This one looks old, so he will be like a grandpa or so.